Should You Rely on Your Insurance Agent or Read Your Insurance Policy?

As part of his regular practice, Woodland Hills personal injury lawyer Barry P. Goldberg reads insurance policies every day and will take on an insurance company when it wrongfully denies coverage. But, what is the average consumer to do? Most insurance policies are impossible to read or interpret unless you are an insurance coverage lawyer or enjoy reading arcane language…

Auto Accident Attorney Los Angeles

Public Entity Liability for Dangerous Conditions on Public Property

Woodland Hills personal injury attorney, Barry P. Goldberg, is cautious about suing public entities because liability is statutory and can be difficult establish. However, in the right case, with the right experts, an aggressive personal injury attorney should not shy away from pursuing a worthy case merely because of these difficulties. Because the overwhelming number of…

Los Angeles Auto Accident Attorney

Do You Know About the Medical Malpractice Statute of Limitations in California?

Woodland Hills personal injury attorney, Barry P. Goldberg, is called regularly about every kind of medical malpractice imaginable. Some of the first questions asked in those calls concern whether the potential claim is timely or possibly barred by the statute of limitations. The essential inquiry is when did the plaintiff suspect the doctor was negligent, not when did he or…
