Should You Mediate Your Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist Case?

Woodland Hills car accident lawyer Barry P. Goldberg is an expert on all things “Uninsured” and “Underinsured” Motorist in California.  Mr. Goldberg frequently gets calls from other personal injury attorneys seeking “the best” way to handle certain UM/UIM issues.  Should you mediate your Uninsured or Uninsured Motorist case?  In most cases, there is absolutely no…


File a Law Suit if you have a Good Case and the Insurer Denies or Low Balls Your Claim

Woodland Hills personal injury lawyer Barry P. Goldberg recommends to his clients to not cave in to an insurer that denies or low balls a perfectly legitimate claim.  Unfortunately, we are seeing more of insurers wrongfully denying claims, attributing “fictitious” comparative fault to claimants or offering such a low-ball mount that the claimant would actually…
