Personal Injury Attorney

The Strange case of the UM/UIM Arbitration

Article Summary There are many strange twists and turns in handling Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Arbitrations. This article highlights some of the unique nuances in handling these arbitrations and suggests a model for an agreement to use certain statutes and rules in addition to Insurance Code §11580.2. With adequate planning, agreement of counsel at the…

Personal Injury Attorney

Jury trials in the age of social media

Article Summary The modern trial lawyer shoulds not disregard the effect of Facebook and other social media when presenting a case to a jury. This article discusses the Court’s attempt to deal with social media through revised jury instructions and developing case law. With adequate acknowledgement that social media is pervasive and here to stay,…

Personal Injury Attorney

Should California provide driver’s licenses regardless of immigration status?

A Public Safety and Uninsured-Motorist Coverage Perspective Published in the Advocate 2013 Woodland Hills personal injury attorney Barry P. Goldberg believes California has a growing problem with record numbers of unlicensed, and therefore uninsured, drivers on the road. Undocumented immigrants drive every day and present a deadly risk to California motorists because they cannot get…


Strict Liability for Failure to Warn is Still a Viable Theory in California

Failing to warn about a potentially dangerous product or condition has become a “disfavored” cause of action in California. Woodland Hills personal injury attorney Barry P. Goldberg believes that “failure to warn” should not be overlooked and can create the cornerstone of a successful case. Logic dictates that an injured person should see some obvious dangerous condition and that…
