Auto Accident Lawyer Los Angeles

Do You Know the Difference Between an Insurance Agent, Broker and Broker/Agent?—Should you Care?

Woodland Hills personal injury lawyer Barry P. Goldberg is a student of all things insurance.  When it comes to this topic the average person turns off immediately and just somehow trusts that the person they buy the insurance from, and then the insurer, will somehow take care of everything.  In California, it is the rule…


California Court Again Reinforces Mediation Confidentiality Hindering a Client’s Ability to Sue His Lawyers!

Woodland hills personal injury lawyer Barry P. Goldberg encourages mediation in almost every case he handles.  In California, what is said and communicated in the mediation context is privileged and cannot be used in subsequent matters.  Many attempts have been made to circumvent the privilege without much success.  Recently, another attempt to use evidence or…


If you ask for “Full Coverage” Your Insurer has no Duty to provide it! Get an Independent Agent to Advise You!

Woodland Hills personal injury lawyer Barry P. Goldberg cringes when interviewing a client and hearing the response “I have Full Coverage.”  While it certainly beats “I have no coverage” or “I have minimum coverage”, it really provides less information than clients think.  In fact, there is no accepted array of automobile insurance that qualifies as…


What to Expect When Meeting Your Personal Injury Attorney for the First Time

Woodland Hills personal injury lawyer Barry P. Goldberg understands that most people are nervous about meeting a lawyer for the first time because most people have been able to avoid legal disputes most of their lives.  When you have met a lawyer, it is usually for “bad news” and is (almost) always expensive.  Besides that,…
