On Tuesday, October 25th, 2022 in Simi Valley, CA an accident was report resulting in death. The 65-year-old man driving the car experienced a medical condition that led to him driving his car into a tree. Authorities say that the man’s medical condition caused his fatality, rather than the collision with the tree. Even though evidence indicates a medical conditions causing the fatality, police officials are unsure of the specific cause of medical condition that left him dead on the scene. Thankfully, the man was alone in the vehicle, and no other driver or passengers suffered harm.
If you or a loved have experienced a vehicle collision, it would be in your best interest to contact a car accident lawyer in Simi Valley, CA clients trust for legal counsel and representation. Whether you caused the accident, or another car crashed into you, it would be advantageous to seek out legal support. By scheduling a risk-free consultation, you and a car accident lawyer can determine whether your case is worth pursuing compensation for.
Following an accident, the person driving should contact emergency services at 9-1-1. If the driver is unable to do so due to injury or shock, a passenger should call on their behalf, alerting authorities of the accident. A medical evaluation is important for all involved in a vehicle collision. Even if the driver or passengers appear physically unharmed, they may be experiencing adrenaline or shock which can mask their pain, and injury. Concussions and internal bleeding are also serious complications that should be checked by a medical professional.
If a person is injured in the accident, he or she may need medical attention at a hospital, surgery, outpatient center, or prescription medication. Those suffering should not have to worry about the financial burden that could pile up due to medical bills. Not all injuries sustained in a traumatic event like a car accident are physical in nature. Mental and emotional pain may be caused by a car accident, greatly impacting a person’s life. Anxiety, depression, and PTSD, otherwise known as post-traumatic stress disorder are all common following an accident. These emotional and mental injuries may affect an individual’s ability to work, maintain healthy relationships, and cope with every day stressors. Those hurting mentally and emotionally should seek help from a professional therapist, and compensation should be sought for treatment and pain.
After medical evaluations have taken place, police authorities will take a statement of the accident from those involved. Exchanging insurance information, names, and licenses plate numbers is an important step for the drivers, as well as their car accident lawyers later on. Some clients may feel overwhelmed and confused by the legal process of settling with an insurance company, or filing an official lawsuit. An experienced car accident lawyer, such as those at the law office of Barry P. Goldberg are willing and able to help their clients navigate through their legal process, guiding them every step of the way. If you are in need of legal counsel following a car accident, contact an attorney today.