Santa Monica Successfully Asserts “Trail Immunity” For Sidewalk/Path at Palisades Park

Woodland Hills personal injury attorney Barry P. Goldberg is frequently consulted concerning fall accidents and biking accidents in and around Santa Monica.  In a recent unpublished case, the Court expanded the immunities available to public entities to include the “paths” adjacent to Ocean Avenue at Palisades Park which might otherwise be considered “sidewalks” for purposes…

Be Careful Out There! The Recreational Immunity Statute Could Preclude Liability!

Woodland Hills Personal Injury Lawyer Barry P. Goldberg encourages everyone to enjoy the outdoors and experience all that California, Los Angeles County and Ventura County have to offer.  However, if you are entering property to hike, sight see or bike, you may not be able to sue anyone if you are injured.  This surprises many…

What to Expect When Meeting Your Personal Injury Attorney for the First Time

Woodland Hills personal injury lawyer Barry P. Goldberg understands that most people are nervous about meeting a lawyer for the first time because most people have been able to avoid legal disputes most of their lives.  When you have met a lawyer, it is usually for “bad news” and is (almost) always expensive.  Besides that,…