Construction-Related Auto Accidents

As any driver in Southern California can attest, our roads and highways are always “under repair”. While these construction zones not only slow down traffic, adding to your already slow drive home from work, they can also be a safety hazard to both the construction workers and the drivers trying to maneuver safely around them.…

What is a Brachial Plexus Injury?

Were you recently injured in a car accident only to find that your fingers are tingling or numb? An injury which causes trauma to the nerves in the neck can result in a brachial plexus injury. Injuries to the brachial plexus are quite common and can result from a variety of personal injuries, including: •…

CA Laws Pertaining to Texting and Driving

The number of auto accidents in the San Fernanda Valley that are caused by distracted driving has jumped in recent years, fueled primarily from an increase of drivers who attempt to text or use their cell phones while operating their vehicles. Distracted driving results in hundreds of thousands of injuries and thousands of fatalities each…

Whiplash Signs and Symptoms

While often made fun of, whiplash is a serious and, in many cases, debilitating condition that results in damage to the soft tissues or joints in the neck. Auto accident victims suffer from a “snapping” sensation where their body and head move in different directions along the axis of their neck joints, causing short-term and…

When a Car Accident Results in Paralysis

Paralysis, which is most often the result of a serious injury to one’s central nervous system, is one of the most catastrophic injuries a car accident victim can suffer. Muscle functions cease in one or more regions of the victim’s body, making long-term care a necessity in many cases. Bills for hospital stays, physical therapy,…