Do I Have to Report My Car Accident?

If you find yourself involved in a fender-bender while you are driving in Woodland Hills, you may wonder if you need to tell the Department of Motor Vehicles or your insurance company.  The law in California is clear: if you are involved in a motor vehicle accident in California, you must report the accident to…

Suing a Drunk Driver

Spring often means an increase in parties (St. Patty’s Day, anyone?), sporting events, and other occasions where alcohol is present. This can also mean that more people leave these parties and drive while under the influence or intoxicated, which is against the law and one of the biggest contributors to car accidents in the San…

Head Injuries and Financial Recovery

If you’ve been involved in a car accident in Woodland Hills, you may have suffered a head injury and not even known about it because not all head injuries involve an obvious open wound.  If you think you’ve been injured after an auto accident, it is important to seek medical attention.  Additionally, you may want…