Expert Testimony is Necessary to Establish Some Types of Damage, But Not Others.

Woodland Hills personal injury attorney Barry P. Goldberg is often faced with decisions whether to hire experts on medical causation, or allow the plaintiff and the jury to apply common sense.  Essentially, the question of whether an expert is required comes down to whether the medical [or economic] condition is “beyond common experience” such that…


Hit and Run Bike Accidents on the Rise

Hit and run accidents are frightening auto accidents that require the assistance of an experienced accident attorney in order for a victim to recover maximum financial damages. While hit-and-run car accidents involving automobiles in Los Angeles County have dropped in recent years, those involving bicycles have jumped 42% over the same time period. With the…


Furnishing an insured vehicle for the “regular use” of a non-insured young driver is excluded from coverage!

Woodland Hills personal injury attorney Barry P. Goldberg is often confronted with attempts by families to side-step paying insurance premiums by allowing a family member to “borrow” a vehicle. Later they contend that the use was occasional or intermittent in order to access liability coverage as a permissive user.  The families are able to own…


Medical Payments Coverage Can be Excluded if Your Car is neither “Owned” nor “Non-Owned” Under the Policy!

Woodland Hills Personal Injury Lawyer has an in insurance coverage expertise and sometimes has to explain the seemingly “unexplainable” to accident victims and insurance policyholders. Medical Payments coverage is a great asset which essentially provides “no fault” medical insurance for anyone injured in an insured vehicle up to a stated limit.  The cost is minimal…


Merry Christmas! Insurers are increasingly using the “Drop Check” to settle your case for less.

Woodland Hills Personal injury attorney Barry P. Goldberg has seen insurer trends over the past three decades of representing injury victims.  Early in his days of practice, insurers often utilized the “Drop Check” to attempt to side track negotiation and to settle cases cheaply and quickly.  The “Drop Check” is a tactic whereby the insurer…


Were You Injured in a Serious Car Accident? Don’t Rule Out Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

From pedestrians hit while crossing the street to catastrophic truck accidents, collisions with motor vehicles often leave innocent victims struggling with injuries. More often than not, these injuries require medical attention that typically result in expensive medical bills. Sometimes, these injuries are fatal. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2014,…


A Plaintiff without Medical Insurance Can Still Establish the Reasonable Value of Medical Services Rendered—- the Medical Bills are Admissible for That Purpose.

Woodland Hills personal injury lawyer Barry P. Goldberg is frequently challenged to establish the reasonable value of his client’s medical bills even though they are not paid by health insurance.  The “challenge” is presenting a trial without incurring large and arguably unnecessary expert fees merely to have someone testify that medical bills in a particular…
