Getting Coverage for your Property Loss — Consider the “Efficient Proximate Cause.”

Woodland Hills personal injury attorney has significant experience in insurance and insurance coverage.  Often, the ability to understand and access insurance coverage is a key component in a successful recovery in a large personal injury action.  Many of the insurance coverage principles overlap when analyzing your own first party property damage claims—particularly water damage claims.…


Expert Testimony is Necessary to Establish Some Types of Damage, But Not Others.

Woodland Hills personal injury attorney Barry P. Goldberg is often faced with decisions whether to hire experts on medical causation, or allow the plaintiff and the jury to apply common sense.  Essentially, the question of whether an expert is required comes down to whether the medical [or economic] condition is “beyond common experience” such that…


Hit and Run Bike Accidents on the Rise

Hit and run accidents are frightening auto accidents that require the assistance of an experienced accident attorney in order for a victim to recover maximum financial damages. While hit-and-run car accidents involving automobiles in Los Angeles County have dropped in recent years, those involving bicycles have jumped 42% over the same time period. With the…
