Lyft Accident Lawyer Woodland Hills, CA

Know Your Options When Your Insurer “Low-Balls” Your Uninsured Motorist Claim!

Woodland Hills personal injury attorney Barry P. Goldberg loves handling Uninsured Motorist claims because it is one of the few circumstances where the insured has leverage over his or her insurance company.  Barry definitely knows what to do when your insurer makes a “Low-Ball” offer in your Uninsured motorist claim—– demand Arbitration! (The same applies…

Can Auto versus Pedestrian Accidents be avoided?

Woodland Hills personal injury lawyer Barry P. Goldberg handles several serious auto versus pedestrian accidents every year.  Recently, the Los Angeles Times identified the most dangerous intersections for pedestrian accidents.  Although the analysis shows most of the pedestrian accidents are clustered in high-density areas near downtown, a surprising number of accidents occur in suburban areas…

Lawyers can be Heroes!

Woodland Hills personal injury lawyer Barry P. Goldberg is trying to fight the negative lawyer stereotypes by attempting to live up to high ideals.  By being active in the San Fernando Valley Bar Association as an elected trustee and performing with the Los Angeles Lawyers Philharmonic and Big Band of Barristers, Mr. Goldberg meets several…