Regulation of Driverless Cars

Some experts predict that autonomous vehicles will dominate roadways by 2040.  That event will bring lifestyle changes not seen since the Ford Model T. Your morning and afternoon commute will become work time or leisure time as opposed to the current stress time!  DUIs, car accidents, and traffic tickets will decrease. That could mean car…

The Anguish of a Wrongful Death

The early death of a loved one can cause significant anguish and turmoil for the surviving family. The premature fatality of a cherished person may have happened due to the fault of another person or entity. Wrongful death can be described as someone having passed because of negligence or carelessness, in which legal action can…

Three Types of At-Home Elder Abuse

Elder abuse is one of the most under-reported forms of negligence. According to one study, victims only report one out of every fourteen cases.  The percentage could be even lower in home-based abuse cases.  Many victims do not want anyone to “get in trouble.” Furthermore, many victims, in their advanced age, have mental impairments, so…

Distracted Driving

Atlanta’s rush hour traffic consists of stop and go, stop and go, stop and go, etc. If you are travelling on I-85 and happen to notice that the person behind you is talking on his cell phone, you tend to not think much of it.  The fact of the matter is that it seems that…