Car Accident Lawyer Chatsworth, CA

Car Accident Lawyer Chatsworth, CA

If you have been involved in an accident involving a big truck, a car accident lawyer in Chatsworth, CA, recommends not panicking and contacting an attorney at Barry P. Goldberg for help. The first few minutes, hours, and days following an accident can be disorienting, so one of the best things you can do is seek the support you need. If you’re injured, stop what you’re doing and call for medical assistance – your health should be your number one priority.

If you’ve already received medical assistance, contact an experienced Chatsworth, California car accident lawyer from Barry P. Goldberg, A Professional Law Corporation, to help preserve your legal options and protect your rights. You are likely feeling stunned and unsure of what to do next. Allow an experienced Chatsworth, CA car accidents lawyer to help you make informed decisions moving forward.

What to Do in the Aftermath of an Accident Involving a Big Truck

While you’re waiting for an experienced Chatsworth, CA car accident lawyer to arrive on the scene, consider taking the following steps. If you’ve already done some of these steps, begin with whatever action is relevant to your specific situation:

  1. Evaluate your well-being. If you have any reason to suspect you might be injured, immediately call 911. Sometimes the adrenaline rush makes it hard to tell if you are injured, and some injuries don’t produce symptoms instantly, so always err on the safe side. A Chatsworth, CA car accident lawyer will tell you that big truck accidents are more likely to cause serious injury, so you should be certain that you are completely unharmed if you are not going to call 911.
  2. If you are unharmed, evaluate the well-being of everyone else involved in the accident. If there are any signs of anyone being injured, immediately call 911.
  3. Once everyone’s safety has been confirmed, evaluate whether you can safely move your car off the road. If you have to cross traffic to do so, do not attempt it, and move yourself to the side of the road. Call 911 if any vehicles are blocking traffic. Now is an excellent time to contact a car accident lawyer in Chatsworth, CA, and law enforcement as well.
  4. Exchange contact and insurance information with everyone involved in the accident. Do not discuss who is at fault at this time.
  5. Identify any potential witnesses and get their contact information as well.
  6. If you are able, take extensive notes and pictures of the accident, including what you were doing at the time (changing lanes, stopped at a red light, etc.), any damage to the vehicles, and the orientation of the vehicles.
  7. If you have not yet contacted law enforcement, contact the police non-emergency number to report the accident. Request that you receive an accident report, and you will be given instructions on how to receive it. Depending on how busy the police are at the time, an officer may immediately come to assist with the accident.
  8. Speak with your Chatsworth, California car accident lawyer at Barry P. Goldberg about contacting your insurance provider.

Paying Medical Bills Resulting from Your Car Accident

If you’ve ever suffered significant injuries, you know how easily medical bills can weigh you down. Our Chatsworth, CA car accident lawyer knows that the costs can pile up when you factor medications and other treatments, doctor’s office visits, hospital stays, surgeries, rehabilitation, and more. If you file a claim with the insurance company about an accident that hurt you and wasn’t your fault, you should receive a settlement to cover these costs. While you wait for the insurance company to finalize your claim, medical providers will still want their money. You don’t want to ignore these obligations.

Paying the Bill

Whether an accident was your fault or someone else’s, doctors still want the money you owe them for the services they provided. When you go in for initial visits, you’ll likely have co-pays to take care of. If the doctor writes you a prescription, you’ll still have to pay the pharmacy for the drug. Bills for other treatments and procedures will still come, regardless of who was at fault. Our car accident lawyer in Chatsworth, CA shares that if you put these off and wait for the insurance settlement, the accounts will go to collections, which could add late fees and hurt your credit.

Getting Paid Back

To avoid these hassles and problems, you should pay these bills as soon as possible. It could take weeks or even months for insurance companies to settle your case. The wait could be especially long if you sue the other party. Instead, pay your medical bills. Once the insurance gives you a settlement, you’ll get reimbursed for the money you spent out of pocket. Of course, you may still not get a large enough settlement to cover everything you paid.

Refusing the Settlement

As your car accident lawyer in Chatsworth, CA, may tell you, if you don’t believe your payout was fair, you have every right to reject it. This is where an experienced attorney from Barry P. Goldberg can come into the picture. We can carefully examine your case and determine whether your rights have been honored and whether you deserve a larger settlement.

Reducing the Bill

If there are still outstanding medical accounts after your case is over, you may be able to negotiate a lower payment. This is often part of the settlement process. Insurance companies generally want to avoid going to court. In car accident cases, your medical insurance and car insurance will both be involved in paying you for your injuries. During your personal injury case, our Chatsworth, CA car accident lawyer will tell you to never ignore medical bills. Even if you have to pay out of your pocket initially, your settlement should pay you back once your case is over.

Damages You Can Claim With Truck Accidents

Truck accidents can cause victims to suffer from severe injuries that, in some cases, they are never able to recover from fully. Especially when it comes to semi-truck accidents, you may find that your hospital bills are much higher than what they would be if you were in a car accident. The sheer size and weight of a semi-truck can cause you to have permanent disabilities that cause you to spend the rest of your life seeking pain medication or physical therapy for.

Because of the pain, in addition to the extensive medical bills, a car accident lawyer in Chatsworth, CA, wants you to know that we can help you with your truck accident lawsuit. In some cases, an insurance agent may seem more than willing to settle on a claim early on. While this may sound good, know that too often, it is too good to be true.

Why get the help of one of our attorneys?

As noted above, you may feel that you have a slam-dunk case. The truck driver may have clearly been at fault for the accident, you suffered from injuries, and their insurance agents are more than willing to pay you a set amount of money. That said, our lawyers for car accidents in Chatsworth, CA, encourage you always to be skeptical when talking with insurance agents.

Especially when they are the at-fault party’s insurance company, they are only concerned about the numbers, not getting you the long-term care you need. Our car accident lawyer serving Chatsford, CA cares about our clients and wants to help get them the compensation they need that not only pays for medical bills but other types of loss as well.

The Economic Damages

When you are looking to receive economic damages after a truck accident, they are figured out because of certain losses that have a specific, calculable amount. Some of these include:

  • Your current and future medical expenses (even trips to the doctor and medication)
  • Potential expenses involving childcare while you recover
  • Any transportation costs you incur because of property damage
  • Job earning losses

Because of how specific the numbers can be for economic damages, you will need to provide a Chatsworth, CA car accident lawyer (and thus the court) with documents that contain exact numbers for your expenses.

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages are harder to calculate because there is typically no one thing to look at to determine a price. Some of these could be:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress suffering

In rare cases, the court may determine that punitive damages should be awarded as well. This typically only occurs because of extreme circumstances and are explicitly awarded to punish the at-fault party.

To see how a car accident lawyer in Chatsworth, California can help you with your lawsuit, contact Barry P. Goldberg for more information.

Reasons You Need a Chatsworth, CA Car Accident Lawyer to Represent You

Following a car accident, you must give yourself every opportunity at the outcome you deserve. While the thought of hiring a car accident lawyer in Chatsworth, CA, may be daunting, taking the time to retain the services of Barry P. Goldberg can help set your case on the right course. With 35 years of experience, Barry P. Goldberg can assist you by keeping your rights at the forefront throughout your case. Here are some reasons to contact our Chatsworth, California car accident lawyer for help:

Reason #1: Your Case May be More Complicated Than You Thought

Sometimes, a car accident case may be far more complicated than you may have realized. While you may be tempted to represent yourself, the last thing you want is to do or say something that could be damaging to your case. Several factors may make a car accident case more complicated, which will undoubtedly require the help of our car accident lawyer in Chatsworth, CA. Examples of challenges that may arise include:

  • Extensive injuries
  • Underlying Injuries that weren’t obvious at first
  • Difficulty determining the responsible party
  • You are being blamed for the accident

It’s not recommended to pursue an accident case without a lawyer, especially if you are facing complications. Without a lawyer, victims stand to put themselves at risk of receiving a settlement offer that is far less than what they deserve.

Reason #2: There May be Multiple Parties Involved

It’s not uncommon for a car accident to involve more than one party. Much of the time, this can mean that there were multiple drivers involved in the accident. Your Chatsworth, CA car accident lawyer will tell you that determining who was at fault in the accident can be especially challenging. A lawyer can work to determine who is at fault, especially if other drivers contributed to the car accident. They will do this by gathering evidence that proves the other drivers violated their duty of care, which ultimately led to the injuries and losses you may be left to face.

Reason #3: You Need a Professional to Negotiate with the Insurance Company

Contending with the insurance company can be especially challenging following a car accident. Our car accident lawyer in Chatsworth, CA, will tell you that while speaking with the insurance adjuster assigned to your claim may seem innocent enough, in some cases, it can damage your case. Remember, the insurance company will be looking to pay out as little as possible for your claim. They will do this by attempting to prove that you were not as injured as you are claiming or that you were at least partially at fault for the accident. Don’t put yourself at risk for this; you need a Chatsworth, CA car accident lawyer to help by negotiating with insurance companies. They will be able to support you by making sure that your claim is not undervalued and advising you regarding whether to accept the offer or continue with negotiations.

Reason #4: To Help Properly Value Your Accident 

Following a car accident, you are likely to wonder whether it’s worth it to pursue legal action. Knowing the actual value of an accident case can be especially tricky for someone without legal experience. Our car accident lawyer serving Chatsworth, CA, can assist by carefully reviewing the case and ensuring that nothing is left out of your demand for compensation. They will be sure to include losses that you may not have considered, such as future medical treatments, future lost wages, and non-economic damages that can be difficult to quantify.

Chatsworth Car Accident Infographic

Reasons You Need a Car Accident Lawyer to Represent You Infographic

Car Accident Lawyer Chatsworth, CA

Many factors are at play when a car accident occurs. It’s important to remember that even if you think you know exactly what went wrong, you may not have the ability to see the “whole picture” without the assistance of an experienced Chatsworth, California car accident lawyer. You’re not perfect, so despite your best efforts, you could make an error in judgment and be partially responsible for the incident. This could cause serious harm to you and passengers, and to the other driver. The other party will likely file an insurance claim and may seek legal action against you. It’s important for you to be prepared in such cases so you can protect your interests and rights. Especially because, neither you nor the other driver may have all the facts. The other driver could have contributed to the accident, road conditions, a defective car part, or even a third party could have been contributing factors to the crash. When you work with an experienced Chatsworth, CA car accident lawyer from Barry P. Goldberg, A Professional Law Corporation, you can find the clarity you need to make an informed decision about your legal options.

Be Cooperative

Immediately after a car accident, you should stay at the scene and leave your vehicle alone and not move it from the area. There will likely be high emotions among those involved in the crash, but stay calm and don’t make any accusations. Call the police and wait for officers to arrive. The police will take statements from you and the other driver. The authorities may also take statements from passengers and witnesses. Let the officers do their job and don’t interfere. Do not accept any blame or indicate that the crash was your fault. You don’t know everything yet and speaking up now could limit your legal options later. Once you have spoken with a Chatsworth, CA car accident lawyer, you can make an informed decision about how to proceed.

Do Your Part on the Scene

You should exchange information with the other driver. Get the person’s phone number and contact information for their auto insurance. Also, while police are conducting their investigation, you should take pictures of the wreckage and damage. Take photos of your injuries and those your passengers suffered. You can also talk to people that saw what happened and gather your own evidence. You can use all of this information to build your case and/or your defense to a legal claim filed by the other driver.

See a Doctor

Even if you were partially to blame for the accident, you may have gotten hurt too. It’s crucial that you visit your doctor to assess your injuries and get treatment. This is a vital part of protecting yourself in a claim or lawsuit.

Car accident lawyer Chatsworth, CA legal terms explained

Chatsworth Car Accident Glossary

At Barry P. Goldberg, we are committed to helping you make informed decisions regarding your case. Our experienced Chatsworth, CA car accident lawyers can guide you through the process while protecting your rights.

Insurance Adjuster

An insurance adjuster is a representative of the insurance company responsible for investigating claims and determining the amount of compensation to offer. After an accident, you will likely deal with an adjuster from either your insurer or the other party’s provider. While they may seem helpful, adjusters prioritize minimizing the insurance company’s payout. It is common for them to request recorded statements or offer quick settlements that may not fully cover your losses. When dealing with an insurance adjuster:

  • Do not provide a recorded statement without consulting your lawyer.
  • Be cautious of early settlement offers; they may not fully cover your losses.
  • Document all communication and request confirmations in writing.
  • Consult your attorney before signing any documents provided by the adjuster.
  • Provide factual information only and avoid speculating about fault or injuries.

We recommend discussing any communication with an adjuster with a qualified attorney before agreeing to terms.

Comparative Fault

Comparative fault refers to the legal principle used to determine the level of responsibility each party holds in causing an accident. In California, this system allows you to recover compensation even if you are partially at fault. For example, if you are deemed 20% responsible for an accident and the total damages amount to $100,000, you may still recover $80,000. This principle ensures that compensation is fairly allocated based on the circumstances of the crash. Our team works to minimize your percentage of fault, maximizing your potential recovery.

Collision Coverage

Collision coverage is a type of auto insurance that pays for the repair or replacement of your vehicle after an accident, regardless of who was at fault. This coverage can be crucial if the other driver is uninsured or if you wish to handle repairs without delay. It typically requires the policyholder to pay a deductible before receiving reimbursement. Situations where comparative fault may apply:

  • Both drivers were speeding at the time of the accident.
  • One driver failed to yield, while the other was distracted.
  • Weather conditions contributed to the accident, and both parties were partially responsible.
  • The injured party was not wearing a seatbelt, contributing to the severity of injuries.
  • Multiple vehicles were involved, complicating the assignment of fault.

Understanding how your coverage applies to your case can influence decisions about repairs and rental vehicles.

Medical Payments Coverage (MedPay)

Medical Payments Coverage (MedPay) is an optional addition to your auto insurance policy that covers medical expenses for you and your passengers after an accident, regardless of fault. MedPay can cover:

  • Ambulance transportation fees
  • Emergency room visits
  • Surgical procedures
  • Rehabilitation and physical therapy sessions
  • Follow-up doctor appointments

This coverage provides immediate financial relief while waiting for a potential settlement. Having MedPay can significantly ease the burden of out-of-pocket costs following a collision.

Police Accident Report

A police accident report is an official document prepared by responding law enforcement officers after an accident. This report often includes details such as the date, time, location, statements from involved parties, witness information, and the officer’s assessment of fault. While not always legally binding, the report can serve as valuable evidence during insurance negotiations or legal proceedings. Obtaining a copy of this report promptly is essential for supporting your claim.

Talk To Your Insurance Company

As soon after the accident as possible, you should speak with your auto insurance agent and file a claim. If you delay this report, the insurance company may deny your claim. When you discuss the accident, provide as many details as possible. Tell your agent where the accident occurred, how it happened, how much damage your car suffered and what injuries you and your passengers have. Remember not to admit blame before speaking with a Chatsworth, CA car accident lawyer from Barry P. Goldberg, A Professional Law Corporation today.

Barry P. Goldberg can advise you and will be prepared to take your case to the next level if a lawsuit is necessary. For more information about how our car accident lawyer in Chatsworth, CA, can assist you, contact our office today.