Lyft Accident Lawyer Tarzana CA
Car accidents can cause both medical and legal complications, with ride-sharing applications like Lyft and Uber often requiring assistance from a Tarzana CA Lyft accident lawyer. At Barry P. Goldberg, our team of professional lawyers strives to help victims and their families obtain financial compensation following an accident.
While ride-sharing applications like Uber and Lyft provide more convenience than driving yourself or calling a cab, they also come with extra legal obstacles that our team can help you maneuver.
Why Uber and Lyft Crashes Are More Complicated Than Other Car Accidents
For most car accidents, the person held liable is the negligent party that caused the accident. For example, if another driver was under the influence and crashed into your vehicle or if they exhibited reckless driving causing an accident. This driver can be held liable to pay for your medical expenses to help you recoup following an accident. However, Uber and Lyft crashes are more complicated. Whether you’re injured due to your driver’s negligence or if another Uber or Lyft driver collided with your car, determining who should be held liable can be tricky.
Uber or Lyft May Be Held Liable, But Complications Can Happen
If a driver was acting within the scope of their employment when an accident occurs, then Uber or Lyft might be held liable. Uber or Lyft can be held to pay for damage caused by the actions of their employees even if their employees are independent contractors. However, since their drivers are independent contractors, they’re not held by vicarious liability, meaning Uber or Lyft may not automatically be responsible to pay for harm caused by an accident. Instead, Uber and Lyft have insurance policies that can protect their customers and provide compensation.
Gaining This Compensation On Your Own Can Be a Headache
While ride-sharing applications like Uber and Lyft have insurance that can provide compensation for parties after an accident, navigating this process can be very frustrating. Like any car crash accident, trying to negotiate with the insurance companies on your own can be a headache. You can expect delays, low settlements, an agent trying to twist your words, denying liability, undermining your injuries, and more. Even the waiting process itself is enough for some victims to give up. However, by working with a Tarzana Lyft accident lawyer, you be in a better position to gain the necessary compensation.
Our Team Knows How to Navigate the Process
Navigating any legal case requires working with a team armed with experience, the latest knowledge, and compassion. At Barry P. Goldberg, our team understands how traumatic any car crash can be—whether you’re driving your own car or taking an Uber or Lyft to get to the office. While factors like poor road conditions and bad weather can cause or contribute to crashes, a large number of car accidents occur due to human error or negligence. Our team can’t reverse time, but we can help you presently and in the future. If you or a loved one was recently involved in a car crash, get in touch with a Tarzana Lyft accident lawyer at Barry P. Goldberg today!