Lyft accident lawyer San Fernando Valley CA

Lyft accident lawyer San Fernando Valley CAA Lyft accident lawyer San Fernando Valley CA community members trust from Barry P. Goldberg knows that getting into a serious accident can turn a person’s world upside down. One minute you may be hopping into a car for a swift ride from one location to another, only to find yourself seriously injured because of a crash that unfolded while you were riding as a passenger. Who is at-fault? What happens next? What should you do, or not do? These are all questions that a team member from our law firm is accustomed to answering, so if you were recently in a rideshare accident, we urge you to contact us now.

So what can a rideshare lawyer do for you exactly? Firstly, your lawyer can meet with you to discuss the accident. The more information and evidence you have to show your lawyer, the better they can assist you. Your lawyer can investigate the accident further to uncover influencing factors that you may not have been aware of at the time. Maybe you thought the Lyft driver was at-fault, but maybe there was another car that was being reckless and caused the accident to occur. Especially as the passenger, you may have not been looking directly ahead of the vehicle when the collision happened. But all you know is that you are hurt, and you may have medical bills and other losses that have to be paid for, otherwise you lose out financially. 

How do you know if you need a San Fernando Valley Lyft accident lawyer to help your situation anyway? If you were seriously injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, then you can probably benefit from having a lawyer. Unfortunately, rideshare companies like Lyft take certain measures so that they can more easily deflect liability in the event of an accident. Your Lyft driver may have car insurance, as necessitated by the rideshare companies that hire them. However, this coverage may not extend to passengers who are also injured in a rideshare accident. Your lawyer understands how these big companies operate, and they can be your best advocate in helping you recover. Without a lawyer, many people may suffer in ways they never had to, simply because they didn’t realize what their options were at the time. 

As someone who was injured in a rideshare accident, you have options. You should not have to pay out of pocket for expenses that you were not at-fault for, such as medical bills, loss of wages, property damage, etc. You may have sustained a broken bone that needs treatment, lost out on earnings because you were at home recovering, and more. Your personal relationships may feel strained because you are in a state of pain and stress about the sudden financial hardship you were forced into, and now your mental health may be suffering too. We advise reaching out to our San Fernando Valley lawyer Lyft accident team from Barry P. Goldberg today to get the protection you need. 

With the major growth of rideshare companies across the nation, a Lyft accident lawyer San Fernando Valley CA residents trust from Barry P. Goldberg has seen just how quickly rideshare accidents have increased over the years. If you or someone you care about was hurt and in a rideshare accident, whether as a passenger, pedestrian, or the driver, just know that you may be entitled to compensation. Our team can evaluate your case, investigate the accident, and represent your interests during negotiations and any litigation that may happen. Our team has a thorough understanding of the laws related to rideshare accident claims, so we can help you avoid making mistakes that could hinder your case, and won’t settle for anything less than what is needed to ensure your recovery. Do not hesitate to call us today to reserve your upcoming appointment. 

We always suggest that people do not delay in getting legal help after an accident, as important evidence may disappear, you may find yourself suddenly to blame when you are not at-fault, or other issues that can develop. You will need a legal team that can handle the logistics of your situation and the nuances of rideshare accidents specifically. The lawyer who represents you should have insight into personal injury accidents. Not all lawyers handle the same kinds of cases, so it’s imperative that you have experienced legal guidance. 

When a sudden accident happens, we can sometimes forget what to do next. If you are in a rideshare accident, then you must do the same things that you would do in any other kind of auto collision. Call the police, request medical treatment if needed, take photographs and video of damages and injury, and ask for witness contact information. Your lawyer can reach out to these witnesses in the days after, and get a statement from them while making sure it will benefit your case. Take a picture of the rideshare driver’s identification, along with the ID of any other drivers, passengers, or pedestrians involved. Visit your doctor immediately for medical attention, and ask for copies of medical paperwork related to your injuries caused by the rideshare accident. As your San Fernando Valley Lyft accident lawyer can explain, these documents and other types of evidence will be important in successfully obtaining compensation.

After a rideshare accident, you may be wondering who is liable for your damages, or who you should sue in order to get compensation for your injuries. Was it the rideshare drivers fault? Or was there a third party that had contributed to the accident happening? These are just a few common questions that clients often ask us during the initial consultation about their case. The answers to these specific questions will depend on the factors of your accident, as no accident is exactly the same. If you need legal help, we urge you to contact our San Fernando Valley lawyer Lyft accident team from Barry P. Goldberg now.

Rideshare companies like Lyft are increasingly popular forms of transportation. But rideshare companies make it difficult for victims of accidents to know how they will recover afterwards. As a Lyft accident lawyer San Fernando Valley CA victims trust from Barry P. Goldberg may suggest, here are ways to protect yourself and your claim after a serious rideshare accident. 

Get Information Of Each Driver

The identity of Lyft drivers are protected on the app. So when you book a ride share, you will only have a small picture of the driver and their first name. That is not enough details to file a lawsuit after a Lyft accident. So when a collision occurs, do not rely on the app itself. Let the Lyft driver know that you need to take pictures of vehicle damage, their driver’s license or other identification, and vehicle license plate.  In this way, you will have the details you need if it turns out that you or one of the other passengers need to submit an insurance claim or civil lawsuit later. 

Find Out If Driver Was On App During Collision

It can get a little bit confusing when it comes to who and who is not covered after a Lyft accident. Based on state law, every rideshare driver has to maintain a valid driver’s license and liability insurance. However, the level of insurance is basic, and the minimums are low, and often much less than what is needed for medical costs and other damages. From whom you may receive benefits will depend on whether the Lyft driver was on the clock as the accident occurred, and what your own insurance does or does not cover. 

File Claims With Lyft Insurance, And Yours

Car insurance policies may state that you have to notify them about an accident within a few days after. If you are not sure about what the extent of your injuries are, or what insurance agency will cover you, you must file a notice of claims with the Lyft driver’s personal insurance company, the insurance company of other driver’s involved, and your no-fault insurance provider. As a San Fernando Valley Lyft accident lawyer may suggest, you can withdraw a claim if another insurance ends up helping you, but if you miss the deadline to submit a notice, you jeopardize not receiving your full benefits (or any at all).

Assess Who Is Liable For Accident

Being injured in a Lyft accident doesn’t automatically provide you with liability damages from an insurance company. You will have to take the same steps that you would in any other car accident. This begins by calling the police so they can write a report of what happened, and those who are injured can get medical attention right away. After obtaining the Lyft driver’s details and seeing a doctor, it is then recommended that you contact a legal team experienced in handling rideshare accidents to advise you further. 

Consider Collecting Uninsured/Underinsured Benefits

Some injuries may be covered under the Lyft driver’s liability insurance. But in more severe instances, you may have to rely on uninsured or underinsured motorists (UIM) coverage to fill in the difference between the costs of your medical bills and their benefits. UIM policy applies after the liable driver’s insurance has been utilized. You won’t be able to use Lyft’s UIM policies unless you can prove who is at-fault and the severity of your injuries, with help from our San Fernando Valley lawyer Lyft accident team at Barry P. Goldberg

Signs your Lyft driver is at-fault for the accident:

There are signs of intoxication.

Does your driver appear drunk or under the influence of something? Are they talking to you frequently and does it seem to be motivated by an illicit stimulant? Does your driver go extra slow, or too fast, then suddenly brake when there is no need to? You can imagine what a drunk driver appears like, and this may be even more true if there is visible evidence of intoxication. Do you see used alcohol in the car or do you smell it? If you saw signs of intoxication in your Lyft driver when the accident occurred, this is a detail to share with your Lyft accident lawyer San Fernando Valley CA residents depend on from Barry P. Goldberg.

They were using their phone moments before the collision.

A Lyft driver is supposed to be able to provide you with a safe experience. The driver may have been pressing buttons on the Lyft app, texting, using social media, or otherwise distracted by their phone. Your Lyft driver should not be using their phone, even for the Lyft app, while your ride is in route. But as your San Fernando Valley Lyft accident lawyer may confirm with you, you will have to make sure that the Lyft driver was on the clock when the accident happened, because if they weren’t, then this can impact your claim. 

They are speeding or driving erratically.

A driver that is reckless is easy to spot. If you feel unsafe at any point during the Lyft drive, you can use the emergency help option on the app. You can discreetly connect with a security professional who will alert authorities and share the details of your ride, such as location and the license plate number of the driver. If you ever feel unsafe, you can ask the Lyft driver to halt your ride early. Just make sure that where they pull off to let you out is not in a dangerous area either, such as a highway or any spot where you could get hit by a passing vehicle. 

They become immediately defensive.

If there is an accident and your Lyft driver gets out and immediately starts blaming the other driver, they may be irate that someone crashed into them unwarranted, or they are the ones to blame. If your Lyft driver becomes hostile in any way, even at the scene of a collision, it may be best to exit the vehicle and stay a distance away so that you are not involved further. But be sure to write down the driver’s license plate number, vehicle details, and other identifiers so in case they drive away you have information for law enforcement to find them later.

They are refusing to cooperate with you.

A Lyft driver who is not willing to exchange information with you may be hoping that they can get away with the accident and not have to be at-fault. Always call the police when a Lyft accident happens, so that they can assist in gathering the details that you need from the driver, in addition to writing a report of what happened. As our San Fernando Valley lawyer Lyft accident team from Barry P. Goldberg may advise, this police report can then be used to support your claim later on. 

Lyft Accident FAQs

If you have been in a Lyft accident, you may want to consult a Lyft accident lawyer San Fernando Valley, CA residents trust. You may be entitled to compensation for your losses. A lawyer can help you pursue a claim against the negligent parties.

More and more people these days are relying on Lyft and other rideshare services to get around. Unfortunately, the increased Lyft vehicles on the road have increased car accidents. Here are the most frequently asked questions about Lyft accidents.

What are the implications of Lyft’s $1 Million insurance driver insurance policies?

Lyft is required to carry a $1 million liability policy for all its drivers. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you will get a huge settlement for getting injured in a Lyft accident. Lyft will typically only cover damages if the driver had an active ride when the accident occurred. If the Lyft driver got into an accident while waiting for a rider, the company won’t pay for the damages.

How are contract-based Lyft drivers insured currently?

While this was true in the beginning days of Lyft, it is not the case today. Lyft is generally held responsible for damages drivers cause, even if they are not full-time employees. 

Why do I need a lawyer after being in an accident as a Lyft passenger?

Many people who get into Lyft accidents assume that filing an injury claim is pretty straightforward. Unfortunately, however, it usually is not. Lyft accident cases can be even more complex than traditional car accidents, so it’s worth it to hire a Lyft accident lawyer in San Fernando Valley, CA. A lawyer can investigate your case and look out for your best interests. He or she can help you gather necessary evidence and hold the right parties accountable. Most Lyft accident lawyers work on a contingency basis, so there’s only a fee if you win your case.

How can pedestrians who are injured in Lyft accidents pursue compensation?

Rideshare accident laws don’t just apply to drivers and passengers. If a Lyft driver was logged into the rideshare app and hit a pedestrian, that pedestrian may be eligible to receive compensation for medical bills, lost wages and other damages that resulted from the accident.

If you were hurt in a Lyft accident, you may want to schedule a consultation with a Lyft accident lawyer in San Fernando Valley, CA.

4 Things You Need For A Lyft Claim 

If you are ever in a Lyft accident, it is important to understand exactly what steps to take in order to file a successful claim, as a San Fernando Valley, CA Lyft accident lawyer can advise you. Being involved in a Lyft accident can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. In this listicle, we will outline four essential things you need to gather for a Lyft accident claim, helping you navigate the process with confidence and increase your chances of a successful resolution.

Accurate Documentation:

Accurate documentation is the foundation of a strong Lyft accident claim. You will want to take as much evidence as possible at the accident site so that you can begin to build a strong claim. Take photographs and videos of the accident site, capturing the damage to vehicles and any visible injuries. Seek immediate medical attention and secure a detailed medical report that outlines your injuries, treatment, and prescribed medications. Keeping a record of all expenses related to the accident, including medical bills and receipts for medication purchases, will also help in accurately calculating your economic damages. By gathering these comprehensive and accurate documents, you will build a solid foundation for your Lyft accident claim. 

Contact Information and Witness Statements:

Gathering contact information and witness statements is essential for a Lyft accident claim. It is crucial to obtain the necessary details from all parties involved, including the Lyft driver’s name, contact information, driver’s license number, and insurance details. A San Fernando Valley Lyft accident lawyer can tell you that you need to collect the same information from the other drivers if multiple vehicles are involved. Collecting statements from witnesses present at the scene is also crucial, as their testimonies can provide crucial evidence to support your version of events. By securing this comprehensive information, you will strengthen your Lyft accident claim and increase the chances of a successful resolution.

Detailed Account of the Incident:

Providing a detailed account of the accident is essential for your Lyft accident claim. Write down your recollection of the events leading up to the accident while the details are still fresh in your memory. Include information such as the time, date, location, weather conditions, road conditions, and any other relevant factors. Be as specific as possible and avoid speculation or assumptions. Your account will better strengthen your claim and establish your credibility

Legal Assistance:

Going through the complexity of a case can be difficult for the typical accident victim. Consulting with an experienced personal injury attorney is highly recommended. A skilled attorney specializing in Lyft accidents will provide invaluable guidance throughout your claim process. They will assess the merits of your case, negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf, and ensure that your rights are protected.

If you find yourself involved in a Lyft accident, remember to gather accurate documentation, including police reports and medical records. Obtain contact information from all parties involved, as well as statements from witnesses. Provide a detailed account of the incident and consider seeking legal assistance from a personal injury attorney specializing in Lyft accidents. With the help of a San Fernando Lyft accident lawyer from Barry P. Goldberg to guide you, you can follow these steps and improve your chances of securing an excellent case outcome.