If you or a loved one have experienced an injury recently, it would be advantageous to contact a personal injury lawyer in Simi Valley, CA today and schedule a risk-free consultation.
What does personal injury entail?
Personal injury can be classified by many differencing accidents, incidents, and traumas. Car accidents are known as the largest source of personal injuries, with over 6.77 million vehicle collisions reported. Slips and falls are also classified as personal injury cases. Although some personal injury incidents are a result of another’s negligence or recklessness, some are a direct result of deliberate harm by another. Every year approximately 29.4 million seek medical attention regarding an injury received in an accident, or event. Even if the injured party may be partially at-fault they may still be eligible to receive compensation for their injuries.
When an accident or incident occurs, what should the injured person do?
First, authorities should be notified following an accident. For example, if a car crash occurs, the parties involved should immediately call 911. When the authorities are notified, medical assistance will accompany them as well, typically in an ambulance. A firetruck may also come to the scene of the accident if the jaws of life are needed to rescue someone trapped in their car. A medical evaluation is highly recommended for the driver, and passengers, even if they seem physically unharmed. Concussions and internal bleeding are common after a collision takes place.
How can a personal injury lawyer help?
After receiving medical care, injured individuals should contact a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. During an initial risk-free consultation, the skilled personal injury lawyer such as those found at Barry P. Goldberg, and the client will go over the events, and injuries and determine whether they want to pursue legal action. If both parties are in agreement on pursuing compensation, a personal injury lawyer will formulate a plan, and begin prepping a case for his or her client. Starting paperwork, gathering evidence, and taking legal action will be the attorney’s main prerogative, allowing the client to focus on what is truly important, their healing.
What types of injury may a person be compensated for?
Injuries following an accident, or incident may be mild or severe. Those injuries could heal quickly on their own, or require medical attention, surgery, or outpatient care. If someone sustains injuries that require surgery, hospitalization, and physical therapy it may prove to be a large financial burden, not to mention the time they will need to take off work. Some injuries may change a person’s life, and ability to work entirely. There are many consequences that are a direct result of another’s negligence or recklessness, and the guilty party should be held responsible for those.
Can injuries be emotional and mental as well?
Yes, while most focus on the physical injuries that can be seen or felt, victims of negligence or an accident may suffer emotionally and mentally as well. Anxiety, PTSD, and depression are all common following a trauma such as a car accident, or other injuries. It is crucial that the person hurting mentally and emotionally seek professional help from a licensed therapist to aid in their healing process. Compensation should be sought for emotional and mental hurts as well. Contact a personal injury lawyer to find out if your case qualifies for compensation.