Low-Speed Impact Accident Lawyer Canoga Park, CA 
Low-impact car accidents might sound as if there could not be any serious or life threatening injuries; however, this is not true. As a low-speed impact accident lawyer in Canoga Park, CA, we have handled many cases that involved vehicles travelling at low speeds, but significant injuries still occurred.
You Were Rear-Ended, Now What?
If you were just rear-ended, you might wonder what you should do. Perhaps your car jerked forward a little and so did your body. The damages to your care are not too bad. A dent is visible, but it doesn’t look like much. Police arrive as you rub your neck, ask if you are hurt or whether you want an ambulance. You say “no”. Insurance information is exchanged, a police report is filed, and you leave the scene.
Later on, or perhaps the next day, you feel sore. Within 24 hours, your neck is hurting. You struggle to move your head from one side to the other. You have a headache and feel pain radiating down your back. These injuries may be known as minor impact, soft tissue injuries. As a car accident lawyer in Canoga, CA residents’ trust, our firm will explain these are some of the most common types of claims, but also very difficult to pursue and win.
Low-Impact Accident Research
Historically, past research related to low-speed impact accidents has not been done according to standard methods. They lack documentation and have widely been conducted on behalf of insurance companies and car companies. Usually, this research is called upon when an insurance company is seeking to minimize a claim.
For years, doctors and chiropractors have been documenting the injuries sustained in low-speed impacts. As a result the American Medical Association lists impairments for minor impact, soft tissue injuries. This has verified the potential for significant, albeit permanent, injuries that result from these accidents.
In the simplest explanation, injuries usually result from a low-impact collision because of the change in the velocity of the vehicle during the crash. The mass of the vehicle, stopping distance from the beginning to the end of the crash, restrain systems used, air bag deployment, make and model of the car, age and gender of the occupant, any pre-existing injuries, and body position will all factor into the accident (and case).
If you were involved in a low-speed accident, it is important to call a low-speed impact accident lawyer in Canoga Park, CA as soon as possible.
More People Are Injured in Low-Speed Collisions than High-Speed Collisions
One of the most common misconceptions with low-speed accidents is that the occupants of the car can’t be injured and do not need medical care. In fact, most people in these accidents will go home as long as they are not bleeding and nothing is broken.
Most injuries sustained in these accidents will go unnoticed for several days. Despite this occupants in these accidents suffer almost double the amount of injuries as those who were in an accident in which the entire car was destroyed.
Following a low-impact accident, we would strongly encourage you to get medical attention – even if you feel okay. If you plan to file a claim, you will need your injuries to be documented as soon as possible. Let a Canoga, CA low-speed impact accident lawyer help you today. Call Barry P. Goldberg now to learn more.