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00:00:03 how does bad weather affect liability in a car accident case I love this question because um you can’t sue uh God for having too much rain too much snow but everyone that’s on the road has to take into account the weather conditions it’s required by law that you slow down if there’s a lot of rain or there there’s puddles and it’s unsafe to go at the posted speed limit so you have to drive at the the safest possible speed given the weather conditions sometimes the weather conditions require you not to
00:00:38 drive at all if it’s complete blackout you hear about these these Tulie fogs that that make it so you can’t even see your hand in front of you really what you should do is get off the road because it’s not safe to be on the road if people can’t see you you can’t see them there are going to be accidents so um you have to take the weather conditions into account you have to drive accordingly usually that means slow down and be careful