Woodland Hills Car Accident Lawyer
Car accidents can happen at any time, and anywhere on the road whether you are on a busy highway or residential area. When accidents do happen, there are certain types of evidence that can help you for your insurance claim and lawsuit against the other driver. While talking about who may be at-fault is not recommended, you will want to gather as much evidence as you can which supports your story for how the accident happened. By doing so, you are taking action to protect yourself. In general, the more proof you have in photos, witness statements and medical documents, the better your chances are of receiving the outcome you need with the help of a Woodland Hills car accident lawyer at Barry P. Goldberg to recover both financially and in regards to your health.
Q: What should I be sure to take pictures of?
A: Once you leave the scene of the accident and everything is cleaned up, it can be difficult to go back to gather evidence. Take photographs of both cars and resulting damages, skid marks, where the vehicles both landed after impact, street signs, glass shattered, visible wounds, the weather, debri, street imperfections, and anything else that may have been a factor in the accident.
Q: Would it be awkward to take a picture of the other driver’s license?
A: While it can be uncomfortable to exchange information, taking a picture of the other driver’s identification and insurance card is a good idea. If the driver is trying to elude responsibility, he or she may verbally give you an incorrect name, address, contact or something else. So photographing the identification ensures you are getting the correct information.
Q: What if I was hurt and couldn’t take pictures myself?
A: In come instances, a driver was badly hurt and had to be ushered to the hospital for medical care. The officer who responded to the scene may take photographs, which you can request copies of at a later time. If you are reasonably alert despite being injured, you can call someone you know who lives nearby to come and take photographs for you instead. However, what ultimately comes first is your health and receiving the treatment you need for injuries.
Q: Is it worth it to ask bystanders for witness statements?
A: Yes, witness statements can be impactful to both your insurance car accident claim and civil lawsuit. Many people get so caught up in the moment that they forget to ask bystanders for a statement. You do not need to gather a statement from a witness at the scene, as it may feel rushed or things may be too chaotic. If you hire an attorney to help you deal with the aftermath of the crash, he or she can reach out to a witness for a statement in the days following.
Q: What makes a person a good witness?
A: A person who has no personal motive or bias towards the accident can make a great witness. Sometimes, a driver has a friend or family member in the car when the collision occurred. While this loved one’s perspective can be useful, it won’t have as much of a weight in court compared to a stranger who had on prior connection to you.