Auto Accident Attorney Canoga Park, CA
Nobody enjoys being part of a car accident. Vehicle collisions can stall your day, lead to painful injuries and cause frustration as you deal with insurance companies. Any person who has been involved in a car crash has probably dealt with at least a small amount of physical wounds and financial loss. An auto accident attorney Canoga Park, CA relies on can help you recover from a terrible accident, in which another driver was responsible for what happened. We believe in assisting our clients as they seek justice for the car accident. What many victim drivers may not realize, is that they can pursue legal action against the driver at-fault.
Here in the article below, we have talked about what to do if the driver who hit you becomes hostile or even unpredictable, while at the scene of the wreck.
What if the driver is obviously angry and starts yelling at me?
Despite being the innocent driver, you may experience a bit of mistreatment from the driver who hit you. The driver may be drunk, under the influence, or reacting out of their fear of the potential consequences. If you feel threatened by the other driver, get back into your car and call police right away. If your vehicle is totaled or damaged enough to where it is unsafe to get back in, create physical distance between you until police can arrive. Be sure to notify the operator that the driver has become irate and you feel unsafe.
If it looks as though the driver wants to flee, what should I do?
If you have a feeling the driver who hit you wants to flee the scene of the wreck, call 911 right away. The driver may want to escape responsibilities for hitting you, especially if they lack the proper insurance and/or identification. Do your best to note down the vehicle make, model, year, color and what the driver looked like. Inform the operator about which direction the driver went in case he or she does actually try to get away.
What may I receive compensation for when filing a lawsuit?
If you file a civil lawsuit against the driver who hit you, you may be entitled to receiving compensation for your losses and other damages. For example, the driver may have to pay you back for medical care, loss of wages, vehicle repairs and more. An attorney can perform an evaluation of your situation to decide whether a lawsuit could actually benefit you.
An attorney can empathize with how much your life may have been impacted by the car accident. Perhaps your injuries were so severe that you needed surgery, physical therapy or continued chiropractic care. You should not have to endure such setbacks and financial stress because someone else decided to operate his or her vehicle with thoughtlessness. Please reach out to our law firm right away so we can get started fighting for you behalf.
Thank you to our friends and contributors at Barry P. Goldberg for their insight into personal injury and car accidents.