Car Accident Lawyer Woodland Hills

Auto Liability and Driving Responsibly!

As everyone knows, Barry P. Goldberg is a foremost authority on all things California Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Law. That includes UM/UIM arbitration and procedure. Most California drivers (and fellow personal injury lawyers) are unaware that California’s Financial Responsibility Law has been amended to raise State required liability limits for the first time in 50…

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer FAQs

Motorcycle accidents are serious and can cause serious injuries. The driver of a motorcycle has to be very alert because of their vulnerable position on the road. Motorcycles do not have the protection of other vehicles, so even a minor accident can result in serious injuries or death. If you were injured while riding your…

Recent Fatal Accident & Insights

On Friday, a man was killed in a pedestrian crash on the 210 Freeway. According to the California Highway Patrol’s Newhall Office, the fatal pedestrian accident happened around 6:14 a.m. Friday. Under unknown circumstances, a driver of a semi-truck slammed into a male pedestrian. Not long after, a second driver struck the same victim who…

Personal Injury FAQ

Following a personal injury of any kind may require help from a Sylmar, CA personal injury lawyer. The correct attorney ensures you or your loved one receives the proper compensation following an injury.  What Are the Most Common Personal Injury Cases?  Any injury caused by another person’s negligence or malicious intent might qualify as a…