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00:00:03 this is a really popular question can you sue a ride share company if you’re injured in an Uber or lift accident the answer is absolutely yes and it’s very specialized I love these Uber and lift cases because you are a passenger and you’re supposed to be taken care of and then there’s an accident and if it’s the Uber driver’s fault they have insurance through lft and Uber in a very high amount that should take care of all of your damages loss wages loss earnings pain and suffering a couple of hints on
00:00:34 these cases you want to keep your record of your drive which shows who the driver was and the uh route number and so forth that you have uh you can take screenshots of that also you can contact L and Uber through the app when you’ve been involved with an accident but at some point in time if you have a lawyer involved you let the lawyer take over all the communications like with any other accident you need to go get medical care if you’re injured and you also have to get evidence about the fault of the driver because a lot of
00:01:06 times you’re not paying attention so we want to get police reports we want to get witnesses to the accident and a lot of times now we look for surveillance cameras ring cameras so we can prove the case against the lft or the Uber driver if you’ve been involved in an Uber lift accident you should give me a call Barry Goldberg