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00:00:03 can you file a claim if you slipped and fell in a public place the answer is absolutely yes you can and in fact the claim is a form that has to be filed uh against the public entity let’s say a city or a department of transportation within 6 months no exceptions okay that claim has to be filed or you lose your case altogether the claim against a public entity for slip and fault they’re tough cases because a slip might that let’s say a sidewalk is worn down and very slippery or some substance was on
00:00:35 it uh perhaps water and oil mixed together if it’s a trip case that might mean that there’s a crack or something protruding up through a sidewalk or walkway and we have the burden of proving that the public entity knew about the dangerous condition possibly caused the dangerous condition and had sufficient time and money and opportunity to correct the dangerous condition here in Los Angeles there are hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of miles of sidewalk and it’s not practical to hold the city liel for each and every
00:01:10 crack that they may not have known about so how long was that crack there could they have uh found it with reasonable inspection or did they cause it uh we’ve had several cases where they’ve removed street signs or parking signs and left a little base there that is dangerous if you walk by it you’ll catch a toe and you’ll fall down so you can file cases against public entities um for slip and fall trip and fall they’re difficult but if you have an experienced lawyer they can they can be one