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00:00:03 all right this next question happens more than you might think can you file a claim if you weren’t wearing a helmet during a motorcycle accident this also applies also to Bicycle accidents the answer to that question is yes you could still make a claim as if you were wearing a helmet and every respect just because you broke the law by not having a helmet doesn’t mean people are allowed to hit you and get away with it in fact many of the injuries that motorcyclists incur have nothing to do with the helmet
00:00:30 at all Road Burns broken bones everything like that would happen whether you’re wearing Helmet or not where comes in in in in in affecting a claim is if you suffer a head injury or face injury where it would have been prevented had you been wearing a helmet in those instances the amount of Damages that you’re going to get is going to be reduced by your own contribution of not wearing a helmet hey all my friends out there I know it’s fun to just jump on a bike and ride and have the wind in your face and hair but you know what wear a
00:01:04 helmet be safe um and yes I could still handle the case even if you’re not wearing a helmet