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00:00:03 I love this question can you file a personal injury claim if you were partially at fault for an accident the answer is in California absolutely yes many states that is not the case um in California what’s called Pure comparative fault meaning that if someone is 1% at fault for an accident you could technically make a claim against them for that 1% usually it’s not clear what that percentage is what we look for probably in most cases is at least 50% responsibility on the other side that’s not a legal requirement but
00:00:36 to make a sufficient recovery we need to make sure that we’re going to get at least 50% of your medical bills at least 50% of your pain suffering and inconvenience so in every case we assess what percentage of fault is our client what percentage of fault are other people involved in the particular accident and in California absolutely yes if you were partially at fault for an accident you could still claim the other fault from the other party great question if you have any other questions about this give me a call my name is
00:01:08 Barry Goldberg