Brain injury lawyer in Chatsworth, CA
A brain injury lawyer in Chatsworth, CA can help you and your family understand aphasia after a brain injury in an accident. If you or your loved ones suffer from aphasia after an accident, and you worry that it is not being treated appropriately, reach out to a brain injury lawyer in Chatsworth, CA such as the ones available at the law firm of Barry P. Goldberg.
What Is Aphasia?
Traumatic brain injuries can have extremely traumatic responses, such as aphasia. Aphasia occurs when there is permanent damage to the speech area of the brain, so if your brain is damaged in an area that controls speech and motor function, or language production, you may find that you struggle with aphasia. Aphasia is a language disorder that can be permanent or go away on its own, it can occur suddenly or develop slowly. Aphasia being an impairment of language, it affects the comprehension of speech and the ability to read or write. If aphasia is severe it can make communication with the patient impossible however it can also be exceptionally mild. Sometimes aphasia may only affect the ability to grasp objects, the ability to put words into a sentence or the ability to read, however it can affect everything in the language communication part of the brain.
Global aphasia is going to be applied to patients who can produce very few recognizable words. Broca’s aphasia is considered non-fluent aphasia and it is the type of video where speech output is severely reduced as is limited to mainly for utterances of less than four words.
Wernicke’s aphasia or fluent aphasia means that the person does not have the ability to grasp the meaning of spoken words however they can produce connected speech. Mixed nonfluent aphasia is applied to patients who have sparse and effortful speech but they resemble severe Broca’s aphasia, but they remain limited in their comprehension of speech.
Anomic aphasia is applied to people who are left with a persistent inability to supply the words for the things they want to talk about; specifically for significant nouns and verbs. This means while their speech is fluent and grammatical form is good, their output is full of vague circumlocutions and expressions where they are frustrated. Difficulty finding words is also evident in writing.
Primary progressive aphasia is a neurological syndrome in which language capabilities become slowly and progressively impaired, and this does not result from a stroke or brain injury, but is caused by diseases such as Alzheimer’s and other dementia-based neurological diseases.
Some of the components of a complex aphasia syndrome may also occur in isolation. This may be the case for disorders of reading (alexia) or disorders affecting both reading and writing (alexia and agraphia), following a stroke.
Aphasia can occur in isolation or with a medical disorder. It can also occur after a neglectful accident, such as a traumatic brain injury during a car accident. If you or your loved one has been injured and is experiencing the hardships of aphasia, reach out to a lawyer today.