Hit and run accidents are frightening auto accidents that require the assistance of an experienced accident attorney in order for a victim to recover maximum financial damages. While hit-and-run car accidents involving automobiles in Los Angeles County have dropped in recent years, those involving bicycles have jumped 42% over the same time period. With the number of cyclists on the road in Woodland Hills, this is not good news.
In an effort to ‘go green’ and increase activity level among its residents, Los Angeles County has spent the last few years encouraging men, women, and children to get on their bikes, adding more than 120 miles of bike lanes to make bike riding safer. The effort has worked. For example, the number of people throughout the County who commute to work by bike is increasing and residents can find Hulu bikes and other bike rentals on corners throughout the Valley.
Despite real efforts to improve the safety of these bike riders and cyclists, getting hit by drivers who flee the scene appears to be an increasingly real scenario. And many times, these injuries are very serious, if not fatal. In fact, on several different occasions in the last few months, bike riders in the Los Angeles area have been killed by hit and run drivers. If your loved one was killed in a wrongful death accident, contact an experienced accident attorney immediately to discuss your legal rights and options.
The truth is that any time a person gets on a bike, they are at risk of being hit by a negligent driver. And as we shared above, when a cyclist gets into a crash with an automobile, they are likely to suffer serious injuries. These injuries could be made even worse by a delay in getting to the hospital if no witnesses or other help is nearby.
Thankfully, most bike riders in the Woodland Hills survive getting hit by a car. However, accident victims often face long-term disabilities, such as head injuries and spinal injuries, that could seriously affect them the rest of their lives — physically, emotionally, and financially.
When accident injuries are the result of a negligent driver, the driver should be financially responsible for the victim’s damages. This means that you should be able to recover monetary compensation for the injuries you or your loved one suffered. To discuss your potential hit and run bike accident claim, contact successful Woodland Hills injury lawyer Barry P. Goldberg today.