Is your commute possible on a bike?
Bicycles can be a fun way for riders to travel from point A to B, but only under certain specific conditions. Conditions such as weather, traffic, topography, and roadway design all contribute directly to the amount of effort it takes to use a bicycle as a mode of transportation. And after that, cycling requires a certain level of physical ability in order to render the cycle as a viable and efficient mode of transportation. As Barry P. Goldberg, an experienced personal injury lawyer can explain, these are the reasons why more people choose cars over bikes.
Recent trends in cities and towns across the US are leading to greater accessibility for bikers through more widespread implementation of bike lanes, sidewalks, greenways, and bike route mapping projects. With such infrastructure developments, traveling by bike in the US has never been easier, but there is still a long way to go in order for there to be a significant shift from auto vehicles to bicycles as a primary form of transit.
Benefits of Bicycle Lanes
Anyone who has tried to ride their bike as a means of transportation will understand how scary it can be to compete with heavy, speeding cars and other motor vehicles on the road. Bike lanes effectively give cyclists their own lane, offering several feet of separation from cars whizzing by. Some bike lanes include physical barriers, such as plastic road markers or concrete curbs to greaten the separation from our heavy metal motorized counterparts. Cities that have an extensive bike and pedestrian infrastructure boast a higher level of safety for those who choose to pedal power over motor power.
Public Health
For those who are willing and able, bikes can be a great way to simultaneously stay in shape, and move from destination to destination. Cycling is a fantastic way to bypass heavy traffic for those with shorter distances to commute. Although cycling is not feasible for many commuters, this mode of transportation can help lessen the number of cars on the road.
Bypass Heavy Traffic
We have all been frustrated sitting in traffic for long periods of time. Remember, you are the traffic, next time you are stuck in a backup on the main road in your town. If there is a safe, alternative bicycle route on a route you commonly travel, you might be surprised at how much time can be saved by riding instead of driving. It is a liberating feeling to quickly and safely bypass standstill traffic on a bicycle!
Bicycle lanes create a lot of benefits where they are installed. They make navigating city streets easier for both tourists and locals, promote cleaner, healthier methods of travel, and keep cyclists and everyone else on the road a little bit safer. If you were involved in a bicycle accident, contact a bicycle accident lawyer, like the attorneys at Tuttle Law, P.A., for a consultation.